Organisation of Municipal Climate Protection initiatives in Croatia
The project ‘Organisation of municipal climate protection initiatives in Croatia’, funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU), and implemented through the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), had the goal to set up and begin implementation of the climate protection programmes of selected Croatian cities and municipalities. The initiatives were embedded in, and coordinated by multi-level networks, so that the participants had the opportunity to learn from each other and from external specialists.
Services provided by igr
- Strengthening of networking among municipal energy and climate protection representatives
- Communications and public relations
- Organising a study trip of Croatian partners to Germany (Rheinland-Pfalz)
- Preparation and running of networking meetings
- Preparation and running of final event
- Establishment and management of a network
- Climate protection consultancy in the fields of solar energy, biomass and energy efficiency
- Consultancy services
- Project management