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- Written by Super User
- Category: Städtebau Beschreibung
- Hits: 11253

Town centre streets, streets in new build areas or restoration areas are today no longer just about traffic management. Today, public roads are also meeting spaces, play spaces for children, and spaces to compensate for environmental degradation. So that these new functions can be satisfied, these spaces have to be creatively planned. Local characteristics also need to be accommodated, so that the design helps people to feel familiar with, and strongly connected to, their environment. In this way conflict can be minimised and citizens inspired to volunteer for their community. Long term sustainability of the residential environment, public facilities, and the planted areas normally follow, and this provides long term savings for the municipality.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Städtebau Beschreibung
- Hits: 11332

The repair costs of urban development defects, above all in older districts, are often so great that municipalities and private owners are unable to manage them alone. Help is available from various funding programmes from urban development funding and village regeneration. To qualify for such a programme, requires thorough evaluations and the development of strategies. igr offers services to municipalities in the form of advice about rehabilitation, design and development, to support them through the application process.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Urban rehabilitation
- Rural renewal
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Städtebau Beschreibung
- Hits: 11905

Land use development plans and site development plans are planning instruments with which the local authorities in their municipalities plan and direct construction activities. The land use development plans, as preparatory urban land use plans, define the urban development in the municipality for the next 10 to 15 years. Here the key points as to how the municipality will develop in the coming years are set. The development of the natural environment and landscape, and themes such as climate change and demographic changes, have come to the fore in recent years.
Site development plans are prepared when they are required for urban development and regulations. The site development plan sets out where, how, what and how much may be built in a clearly defined area of the municipality. Increasing numbers of site development plans are prepared, which are needed to regulate undesirable central urban developments or new urban objectives.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Land use development plans
- Site development plans
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Städtebau Beschreibung
- Hits: 11341

Before a municipality puts together a site development plan, the urban development background conditions often need to be defined. Sites, which in the land use development plan are allocated as development sites, are often not simple to implement. Also, not all sites are suitable for the use they have been allocated for. Before a municipality can decide to implement an urban development project, the background conditions can be investigated through a urban development study and feasibility studies, and the sites checked against various criteria such as development, traffic connections, building density, immission levels, environmental issues, etc.. It is also only possible to proceed when the underpinning financial conditions are suitable. These can also be investigated in studies, and offer the local authority an important foundation for making decisions.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Urban development studies/expert reports
- Urban development master plans
- Feasibility studies
- Register of vacant building plots
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- Written by Super User
- Category: Städtebau Beschreibung
- Hits: 17478

Regional planning sets the goals and principles for municipal local development plans. For particular projects regional planning procedures have to be conducted, in which the project’s impact on the region is examined. Many projects are contrary to the goals of the regional plan and consequently would not be approved. Under particular circumstances, however, departures from these goals can be allowed, and this is the point that is tested in a planning permission variation process.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Regional planning procedures
- Planning permission variation processes