For us, our guiding principle ‘shaping the future’, also means, in a holistic sense, commitment to society.
From the spectrum of possibilities open to igr, two focal points have emerged. Firstly, each year we train a relatively large number of young people (link: education and training); and secondly, igr has for several years sponsored three children in developing countries. These young people receive financial support from igr and in addition are in regular contact with our trainees. The trainees take a personal interest in the sponsored children, sending them small presents on their birthday or at Christmas, or writing letters telling them about themselves and describing developments in our company: an activity from which both sides benefit.
Our commitment also includes a code of conduct, which is based on the agreed values and operational principles of the international movement, Transparency International, and which is obligatory for all igr activities. Through our commitment, we support the development of a future, in which corruption and lack of transparency are no longer acceptable.