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- Written by Super User
- Category: en_Referenzen_Komplexmaßnahmen
- Hits: 4035

We are distinguished by our extensive experience in infrastructure development for large-scale complex projects, be they innovative industrial or business parks, holiday camps, conversion projects or large real-estates (clinics, hotels, universities or industrial complexes). Due to our extensive portfolio of work we can handle every planning phase of complex project developments under one roof. This includes amongst other things: transport infrastructure, supply systems and disposal systems, landscaping, urban planning, site decontamination, energy planning, power supply and telecommunications.
We are active both within Germany and abroad. Proof of our effectiveness is demonstrated by the success of examples such as: the completion of one of the largest shopping centres in Croatia; the planning and development of a holiday resort on the Adriatic coast; and completed work for a number of hospitals as well as for industrial customers in Germany.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: en_Referenzen_Komplexmaßnahmen
- Hits: 3737