Since its inception in 1986 igr has developed into a heavy weight of the German engineering services sector. The company was founded by two young engineers – Werner Andres and Hubert Bruch. Today the company is managed by the executive directors Tatjana Kuhn and Dominic Scheer.
igr management received reinforcements
From the day of foundation of igr GmbH, Tatjana Kuhn supports the management team as commercial managing director. Tatjana Kuhn has been with igr for more than three years. During this time, she gets a deep insight in the topic of personnel, the commercial issues and the controlling of the company.
On December 1, 2020, Mr. Dominic Scheer, an experienced employee from "our own ranks", is appointed as managing director as well. He has known igr since 2017 and heads the Urban Water Management and Networks department. The management of igr GmbH with Tatjana Kuhn, Hubert Bruch and Dominic Scheer is now back on "three legs" and continues to ensure continuity and quality in their projects.
igr GmbH – Adaption of legal structures, new public image
The igr adapts its legal structures to a more comprehensive and flexible environment and changes its legal form in July 17th 2020 from the AG in a GmbH. With this step igr ensure a successful development within the BKW network, which unites highly specialized companies under one roof.
The management directors of the new igr GmbH are Hubert Bruch and Tatjana Kuhn. The branches in Bitburg, Berlin-Potsdam, Rhine-Main and Schweich as well as the subsidiary igr d.o.o. remain under the roof of igr GmbH Rockenhausen.
The previous branch in Erfurt operates on the market with our sister company LINDSCHULTE under igr LINDSCHULTE Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH.
The previous branch in Hamburg becomes igr Aerodrome Engineering GmbH on October 1st, 2020 with the managing director Dr. Ulrich Häp and focuses on engineering services in the planning and implementation of air traffic systems, the preparation of reports and studies as well as the installation and maintenance of so-called pavement management systems in civil and military fields.
This new section in the successful igr history is underlined by a new modern logo and corporate identity.
igr and hydrodat combined their business activities
The purchase agreement was signed on 17th September 2019, and the purchase subsequently recorded in the trade register; marking the merging of hydrodat into igr AG. hydrodat GbR’s purchaser is BKW Engineering. hydrodat has joined igr as a complete unit, with its entire workforce and all its projects. With the merger, hydrodat and igr have combined their business activities and expanded the range of services they offer in the areas of infrastructure, water and waste-water management, and flood protection. hydrodat moved into igr’s Bitburg branch office premises in the Johannes-Kepler-Straße 7, 54634 Bitburg/Flugplatz during the fourth quarter of 2019. From the 1st October 2019, Werner Hentges (formerly a board member with hydrodat) took over the leadership of the igr branch office in Bitburg.
igr becomes a part of the BKW Engineering Network
Through the sale of shares to the Swiss energy supply company, igr is set to continue its growth within the network of a strong group.
The life’s work of igr founders and majority shareholders Werner Andres and Hubert Bruch will be continued. They are selling their shares to BKW. Werner Andres is taking well-earned retirement, but will retain an advisory role. Hubert Bruch will take on the position of Chair of the Board.
igr will continue to be igr. This is the key message from the Board. igr will continue to push ahead with operational activities independently, but with a future partner who understands engineering and values igr’s expertise.
This change offers igr a huge chance to continue to shape its future. The opportunities as part of the powerful BKW group for continued success could not be better.
Establishment of new branch offices and staff expansion
2017 was marked by far-reaching changes. igr established two new branch offices in Hamburg and Darmstadt (Rhine-Main). In Berlin, the activities were expanded and, in addition to the project office in Berlin-Schönefeld, a new branch in Berlin-Potsdam was founded. This location was chosen to ensure proximity to the federal state of Brandenburg as well as to the city of Berlin. The expansion of business activities in the new branches leads to an increase in workforce of 15 employees. These structural changes create the conditions and determine the route through which the existing contracts and the new projects can be handled successfully.
Continuing growth
igr continued to grow, due to the on-going excellent economic conditions and its full order books. In 2016 it is pleasant to be able to commence implementation of the major projects that had been set as a goal in our Agenda 2020. Due to the previously mentioned conditions it was possible to increase total output to 7 408 Th€.
Acquisition and conrolling
Agenda 2020 has defined goals that have been rigorously addressed. The main topic was the acquisition, which was more successful this year than ever before. As many as 15 Europe-wide VOF tenders were won, which speaks in favor of igr. Controlling was further expanded, employees were trained and made aware of how to handle this important tool. Good staff could be won to handle the upcoming tasks.
Agenda 2020
igr sets its course for the future! As the company’s founders are getting older, and wish to see their life’s work continued, AGENDA 2020 is created. Through a large number of internal and external workshops, 14 igr managers prepare a paper that sets out igr’s future path. Branch office in Schweich An igr branch office in the town of Schweich on the Moselle is opened. The long standing and excellent partnership with the region will be further expanded.
Foundation of a subsidiary company in Montenegro – igr consult d.o.o.
igr consult d.o.o. is born. As an independent company belonging to the igr group, igr consult d.o.o. will close the gap between igr d.o.o. in Croatia and the igr project office in Albania. A first contract for the ‘Lustica Bay’ master plan has already been won.
The year of major projects
A year which is characterised by major projects in Berlin, Munich, Albania, and Montenegro results in imbalances in igr’s structure. Many staff are on the road more often than in the office. Freelancers are supporting the teams. Smaller projects are undertaken uneconomically, leading to the non-achievement of expected profit. In autumn a leadership group of staff is formed. The group will assume joint responsibility and convey information to the workforce in a more transparent way.
Opening a project office in Albania - commencement of the master plan for Albania
In January 2011 igr wins its hitherto largest foreign contract from the Credit Institute for Reconstruction (KfW). Working together with an Austrian partner company, a master plan for water supply and waste water disposal in the whole of Albania is to be prepared. Many trips to a very interesting country, and the opening of a project office in Tirana follow. igr’s 25th birthday igr AG is 25 years old and celebrates at the site of its founding in Trier.
An industrial estate in Datteln
igr wins a major contract for the development of an approximately 160 ha industrial estate in the town of Datteln. igr’s expertise in airport construction is further confirmed through the commissioning of projects from Munich and Leipzig airports and Baden Airpark. Expansion of the igr board of directors The board of directors is expanded by the inclusion of Bernd Piechottka, who will ensure igr’s continuity into the future.
Major projects are declining
Under the ‘Awarding of contracts for freelance services’ (VOF) system, igr often finds itself in the ‘silver medal’ position. The result is the worst canvassing for new business performance in igr’s history. With great effort, a positive year-end result is still achieved. All members of staff are rewarded through a appropriate dividend payment. The shareholders also benefit from the good results.
igr wins the contract for the Niederstetten military air base
The work on the Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden airport is bearing fruit. igr receives further planning contracts. igr receives the contract for planning and construction supervision of the extension of the Niederstetten air base. International business is now also being stepped up in this area. Studies are prepared for an investment project in Romania.
New contracts in airport construction
igr is also involved in one of the largest infrastructure projects in Germany. The Berlin-Schönefeld airport is to be extended to become the Berlin Brandenburg international (BBI) hub airport. As the lead company of the bidding consortium, igr wins the contract for the supervision of the airside facilities construction. A project office is established at the BBI. In Rheinmünster, the location of the Baden Airpark, a further project office is set up on account of a contract for the construction supervision of the airport expansion.
Founding of the subsidiary company igr d.o.o. in Zagreb (Croatia)
On 18th December 2006 the Croatian subsidary company, igr d.o.o. (the equivant of a private limited company) is founded. This is partly the result of many years of engagement in the former Yugoslavia, and partly a response to a further major contract. igr d.o.o. is in charge of planning the largest infrastructure project in Croatia – the Westgate Shopping City in Zagreb. Sponsorship of children in Africa and South America Since 2006 igr has been sponsoring three children in Africa and South America. The children are supported with a monthly allowance, to allow them to attend school. In addition, igr’s trainees endeavour to build personal contact with the children, to the great mutual benefit of both parties.
A new project office
A project office is established at the Leipzig/Halle airport. igr is responsible for the construction supervision of the second runway and aprons.
Major contract for the adidas ‘World of Sports’
igr establishes a new project office in Herzogenaurach, the headquarters of adidas AG. igr is to develop a 40 ha site for the ‘World of Sports’ project for the sports clothing manufacturer.
New headquarters for igr AG
On 11th August 2001 igr moves into its new office building. It is particularly helpful that the address only needs a minor adjustment: Luitpoldstraße 60 becomes Luitpoldstraße 60a.
igr ltd becomes igr plc
On the 31st March 2000 igr is converted into a public limited company (plc). There are several considerations for the company's founders behind this decision. Firstly, a plc can qualify more easily for international business; secondly, the founders are already thinking ahead to their possible succession, which can be better regulated as a plc; and a third very important aspect is that the employees can more easily buy a stake in ‘their’ company if it is a plc. Many employees subsequently also become shareholders. The shares, having an initial face value of 8 DM, are traded exclusively off-exchange. The share capital amounts to 400,000 DM (today’s value is €1.9m). In June, Werner Andres and Hubert Bruch are able to initiate the building of a new headquarters.
igr continues to grow and the office in Luitpoldstrasse is becoming too small. The idea of a new building is born. The new building will stand directly adjacent to the old one. To begin with there are problems with land acquisition and planning permission. igr is on the verge of leaving Rockenhausen, but then the planning permission is granted.
Establishing a branch office in Ramstein
The igr branch office on Ramstein US Air Base is established. Since its foundation, igr has been active on Ramstein Air Base, but the construction of the AMC (Air Mobility Command) Ramp, a new large scale project, makes this a necessary development. igr designs the infrastructure for a new town in Belize For the first time, igr wins a major contract outside of Germany. In Belize, Central America, an entire new town (La Democracia) is to be developed. It will give 20,000 citizens the opportunity to live in an area protected from hurricanes. igr designs the infrastructure for the 31 km2 area, which is located in the middle of the jungle, only accessed by unpaved roads. Despite many challenges, the development can commence after only eight months design time. With this contract igr GmbH has arrived on the international market.
Establishing a branch office in Berlin
igr founds a new subsidiary office in the German capital. With its Berlin location, igr activities in eastern Germany are further expanded.
Launching the first subsidiary company, Palatia Ingenieur- und Städtebau GmbH (Palatia civil engineering and urban development ltd)
The subsidiary company, Palatia Ingenieur- und Städtebau GmbH is launched. This is igr’s response to the new Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives, which offer the opportunity to use private capital for public infrastructure projects. As a first project, Palatia, acting as a private developer, develops a new-build residential area with 60 plots in Rockenhausen. Thus Palatia also develops a new field of activity for igr.
igr introduces a cost-control system
A cost-control system is established – according to current knowledge, the first in a medium-size engineering company in Germany. This initiative makes the evaluation of igr projects more transparent, and it encourages the staff to become more commercially-minded. Despite criticism expressed by some sceptics, it soon becomes apparent that it is a step in the right direction. This is proved by the turnover, which increases from 1.5 million Euros in 1991, to 4 million Euros in 1996 (figures converted to euro equivalents).
Establishing of a branch office in Erfurt
igr is growing both in Erfurt and at the head office in Rockenhausen. By now there are around 70 members of staff. This means that space in the new building is already becoming tight, and a second porta-cabin office is required.
Development of a new market
Werner Andres and Hubert Bruch decide to become active in the new German states. They travel east; ending up in Erfurt. There, they discover a huge market in all engineering fields covered by igr. With great commitment and tireless canvassing they secure new clients in Thüringen (Thuringia). This makes great demands on igr staff, who have to travel frequently to Erfurt.
Moving to a new office
In February, the move to a new office takes place. For the first time, the staff have real offices to work in, rather than living rooms, bedrooms, or dining rooms. However, with the end of the "Cold War", many anticipated contracts fail to materialise. To Werner Andres and Hubert Bruch it is clear: new markets need to be discovered and tapped into.
Purchasing an office building
After an intensive search, igr purchases a building in Luitpoldstrasse 60 in Rockenhausen. The conversion begins, with space for around 20 employees being created.
The first engineering company office on a US air base
The Bitburg branch office is established – the first German engineering company office on a US air base. This development is in response to the contracts awarded by the US Air Force. Contracts from municipalities are now following. igr can offer every service from a single source – from surveying, via planning, to construction supervision.
The story of igr begins here
On 1st July 1986 Werner Andres and Hubert Bruch found “Ingenieur Gesellschaft Rockenhausen mbH”. The market is dominated by a few engineering companies, and it is difficult to win contracts. The first contract is for the “Erection of a Fence System” on an American installation in Kaiserslautern – with a contract value of 8,000 DM. Further contracts follow – including others awarded by the US Air Force. The Bitburger brewery commissions igr with the design and construction supervision of the laying of a 16 km district heating pipe. In August, the founders rent a terraced house, from where, together with their three employees, they convince their clients of the quality of their work.