- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: en_Referenzen_GIS
- Hits: 3928

Geographical Information systems (GIS) help in the collection, processing, archiving, management, analysis and presentation of Geographical data, which is then made available in the form of maps and plans with accompanying relevant information. igr has successfully employed GIS in various areas of its activities for many years.
Through the tried and tested use of GIS we provide an optimal basis for quick and accurate decision making in planning and implementing of projects. Processing geographical data with GIS allows you to retrieve what you need quickly; in addition, when used in combination with standardized databases, the data can be used flexibly. The advantage of GIS is increased efficiency and cost savings.
Information on our GIS services in the area networks / sewer rehabilitation can be found by clicking here.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Locality strategies
- Master plans
- Studies
Selected references
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: en_Referenzen_GIS
- Hits: 3514