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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Beschreibung
- Hits: 20864

Installing vacuum sewers in the Siegelbachstraße, the municipality of Luisenthal
In the municipality of Luisenthal igr devised a general water disposal plan, which was implemented in phases. In the Siegelbachstraße, because of the topographically complicated areas and the restricted space available, a special drainage technique (vacuum drainage) had to be integrated into the system). With such a complex construction process, the water and gas services, including the house connections were also renewed. The task was to coordinate the pipe-laying of the various utility providers. To make the vacuum sewer operational, an underground vacuum station was installed in the form of a precast reinforced concrete unit including control systems and vacuum pumps. The properties in the Siegelbachstraße were connected to the vacuum pipework via special domestic inspection shafts.
Services provided by igr
- Planning vacuum sewers
- Planning vacuum station including outside facilities
- Services coordination during the construction works
- EMSR and remote control technology
- Engineering constructions, waste water disposal
Key figures
- Underground vacuum station
- ca. 245 m PE-HD DA 110 vacuum pipework
- ca. 90 m PE-HD DA 90 vacuum pipework
- ca. 250 m PE-HD DA 75 domestic connection pipes
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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Beschreibung
- Hits: 20976

Development planning for the building area ‘Kleine Hahl’ in the municipality of Lörzweiler
The building area ‘Kleine Hahl’ was developed (in 2 construction phases with a total area of 4.4 ha) for the municipality of Lörzweiler at the edge of the village in an area of existing wine terraces.
Through sustainable storm water management, the storm water from the building area is retained in central reserve troughs and feeds into the Flügel stream by trickling or controlled flow. The outer area’s water is collected in interception ditches on the northern edge of the building area. Most of the rain water from the building area drains away via storm water channels. In order to establish the most economic waste water connection, the longer gravity connection to the main drain was compared to the construction of a pumping station.
Services provided by igr
- Development plan ‘An der kleinen Hahl’ in the Lörzweiler municipality
- Rain water management system and drainage planning
- Approval planning with application to discharge rain water in accordance with § 7 WHG or §27 LWG with water management compensation in accordance with §§ 61, 62 LWG, Water permits in accordance with § 68 WHG for waterway construction, permission in accordance with § 76 LWG for measurements in the 10 m range
- Coordinated pipework planning
- Planning of traffic systems
- Tendering and on-site construction supervision
Key figures (Phase 1)
- 4.4 ha total area with ca. 80 building lots
- 1 000 m infrastructure roads
- 1 600 m storm water channel and waste water pipelines DN 250 – DN 500
- 500 m storm water ditch system with 3 cascades and a ford
- 760 m³ storage volume
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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Beschreibung
- Hits: 11282

Time does not stand still. New demands on water supply and sanitary engineering are the result of changes and developments in our society. That is why igr collaborates on innovative research projects such as, SinOptiKom (cross-sectorial process optimisation in the transformation of rural municipal infrastructures) sponsored by BMBF (The Federal Ministry of Education and Research). Here we are engaged with population decline, climate change and the energy revolution, which will lead in the future, above all in rural areas, to extensive adaptations in municipal supply and disposal infrastructures. Future proofed adaptation and transformation strategies for municipal infrastructures need to be developed.
Selected references
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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Beschreibung
- Hits: 21591
Rehabilitation of the Mühebach culvert, town of Bingen am Rhein, District of Mainz-Bingen
In the course of renovating the existing 35 m long stream culvert (DN 1000) on the Mühebach in Bingen-Bingerbrück, an application for planning permission was submitted according to § 68 WHG. On the basis of the new hydraulic calculations, the upgrading of the Mühebach with a wider diameter (DN 2000) and longer pipe (67 m) will be undertaken. In addition, a crossbar fabricated as a stone barrier was planned. An investigation of options with economic analysis was required in the course of the planning approval process. igr was also commissioned with the detailed design, the tendering process and assisting in awarding the contract, as well as the on-site construction supervision.
Services provided by igr
- Investigation of options for the application for planning approval
- Application for planning approval acc. § 68 WHG, with evidence of the hydraulic efficiency of the open ditch and the piped stream profile
- Crossbar fabricated as a stone barrier in the upstream of the Mühebach, with evidence of the integrity/stability of the composite-stone ramp
- Detailed design
- Tendering and assistance in awarding the contract
- Dismantling of a dry stone wall, embankment protection and stream bottom stabilisation in stream bed
Key figures
- 35 m renovation of culvert DN 1000
- 67 m new stream pipework DN 2000
- 55 m³ crossbar fabricated as a composite-stone barrier
- 300 m² dismantling of a dry stone wall, embankment protection
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- Written by Super User
- Category: SW Beschreibung
- Hits: 11279

Large projects are preceded by studies that should provide a clear direction for the pending planning exercise. That is why in our studies we consider not only the technical possibilities, but also the economic consequences over the life cycle of the planned investment. In dynamic cost comparison evaluations, the maintenance, energy and re-investment expenditures can be factored in, so that the costs over the lifespan of alternative options can be compared.
igr can provide a decisive contribution to achieving the best possible project outcomes, with regard to the economic efficiency and sustainability of the planned measures.
We offer comprehensive expertise in the following areas
- Studies of alternatives
- Novel sanitary systems
- Dynamic cost comparison calculation (DCCC)
- Masterplans
- Studies / feasibility studies