Touristische Infrastrukturprojekte

We undertake large-scale, tourism projects in Germany and abroad. Our clients are private and public investors, who pursue a variety of goals, from the enhancement of a region, to the development of new markets. These goals are achieved through the expertise of our teams. Our reference projects in this field extend from the development of an entire resort for up to 10,000 tourists, to regional improvement projects.

Selected references

Infrastrukturelle Großprojekte

Major infrastructure projects have, for many years, been an important part of the services that our company offers. Based on our experience in airport construction, igr deliberately developed the capacity, by building expertise in a wide variety of fields, to offer a one-stop service for major projects.

The success of already implemented projects, and the satisfaction of our customers, validate our strategy, and attest to our competence in specialist fields and also in sustainable interface management.

Selected references